Fourth Thursday : Matthew 14:22-33

Fourth Thursday : Matthew 14:22-33
Lent: Meditation and Worship
Fourth Thursday : Matthew 14:22-33

Mar 31 2022 | 00:10:05

Episode 0 March 31, 2022 00:10:05

Show Notes

We continue today in the moments following Jesus feeding the 5,000 and witness his miracle of walking on water.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 2 00:00:05 Welcome to the lint meditation and worship series with Westside church. Our hope is that this time can be a breath of fresh air. As we journey towards Easter together. Let us start today by pausing for a moment, focusing our attention to Jesus and being expectant of the movement of the holy spirit in our time together. If you are in a place to do so, close your eyes, Hold your hands out in front of you in a posture of surrender, Take a deep breath in And out And another in And out This week, our focus is taking a closer look at some of the miracles of Jesus. And today we're continuing in the moments just following Jesus feeding the 5,000 Matthew chapter 14 verses 22 through 33 Immediately. Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd, After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountain side by himself to pray Later that night he was there alone and the boat was already a considerable distance from land buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it Shortly before Dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. It's a ghost. They said and cried out in fear. Speaker 2 00:02:01 But Jesus immediately said to them, take courage. It is, I do not be afraid. Lord, if it's you, Peter replied, tell me to come to you on the water. Come. Jesus said, then Peter got out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and beginning to sink, cried out, Lord, save me Immediately. Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. You of little faith. He said, why did you doubt? And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him saying truly you are the son of God. When we go through storms of life, we can take some encouragement from the disciples in the story. First being that Jesus brought them there. He sent them away in the boat, knowing full well. What was ahead for them? A few weeks ago, we saw a similar thing, happened to Jesus. As the spirit led him into the wilderness, It can be necessary for us to go through a storm that can shake off the ways of this world. Second, we can be sure he will go through the storm with us. Jesus went to the disciples. He didn't wait on the shore and let them be. He met them in the middle of the storm. He reminded them again of who he was and their response was worship. Speaker 2 00:03:59 When we walk through storms, it can be easy to put our heads down and want to just get through it or to wish we weren't in the middle of it all. But if we can keep our eyes open and look for Jesus, he'll be there. He'll reach out and catch you Today. We're going to practice. Contemplation. Contemplation is about waking up to be contemplative is to experience an event fully in all its aspects. So right now, if you're able sit comfortably with both feet on the floor and your hands in your lap, Breathe deeply and relax. Intentionally, place yourself in the presence of Jesus. Now turn your palms down and begin to drop your cares. Your worries, your agendas and expectations into Jesus' hands. Let go of all that is heavy or burdensome. Relax, Breathe deeply. When you have given your cares to Jesus, turn your palms up onto your knees. Open your hands to receive God's presence, his word and his love. Listen, When you feel prompted to end, tell the Lord what it is like for you to be with him. Thank you for your presence, Jesus, and giving us a place to rest with you. Speaker 3 00:06:28 You take these lows, these few fish, and with them, you feed you. Let my bro body touch the hand of your beautiful Over and over again. You prove your kindness to me over and over again. You show me you are the, Where I have chose tramped, our way you didn't misplace my head expectations. Come Lord Jesus. Meet my need and with your car and all the other things. And every other thing You call no wind. Still the way he's in. Walk on the water to me. You turn my water into one and give me them. So if your glory, oh no, again, you prove your kindness to me. <inaudible> you show me you are the fake Speaker 3 00:08:28 Um, I have chose DRAM, Dar weighted, misplace my head expectations come low. Jesus made my need. And with your kindness superseded, all the other things <inaudible> give me eyes to see <inaudible> give me faith to me. <inaudible> give me eyes to see <inaudible> give me faith to receive all you have.

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