Third Friday : Romans 8:35-39

Third Friday : Romans 8:35-39
Lent: Meditation and Worship
Third Friday : Romans 8:35-39

Mar 25 2022 | 00:08:49

Episode 0 March 25, 2022 00:08:49

Show Notes

Today we finish the week in Romans and practice resting in the vast love of God and continuing to come back to these verses again today.

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Speaker 2 00:00:05 Welcome to the Lenten meditation and worship series with west side church. Our hope is that this time can be a breath of fresh air. As we journey towards Easter together. Let us start by pausing for a moment. Focus our attention on Jesus. Let us be expected of the movement of the holy spirit in our time together. If you are able close your eyes and hold out your hands in front of you, Take a deep breath in And out And another in And out, Romans chapter eight, verses 35 through 39. Can anything ever separate us from Christ's love? Does it mean he no longer loves us? If we have trouble or calamity or are persecuted or hungry or destitute or in danger or threatened with death As the scripture say for your sake, we are killed every day. We are being slaughtered like sheep. No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ who loved us. And I am convinced that nothing can separate us from God's love either death nor life, neither angels, nor demons, neither our fears for today, nor our worries about tomorrow. Not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love Speaker 2 00:02:00 No power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed. Nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus. Our Lord This whole week has been leading us to today, to the reminder that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Even through all the promises we have talked about this week, we know that we will still experience hardship and grief and trouble in this life. And when we do, we can be certain that we are not outside of the love of God. His love remains. His promises remain. Even though life in this world can be really difficult. How encouraging though, that even when tragedy strikes, we can still rely on the love and promises of God. We will not be brought down by the ways of this world, because we are co conquers with Christ Verse 37 reminds us, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ. Jesus who loves us. When we put our trust in Jesus, we are free from judgment because Christ died for us. And we have been made righteous. We are free from defeat because Christ lives in us by his spirit. And we share his life. Speaker 2 00:03:58 We are free from discouragement because Christ is coming for us and we will share his glory. And we are free from fear because Christ interceded for us. And we cannot be separated from his love Today. We're going to simply practice resting in the love of God. When you feel overwhelmed or overtaken by circumstances or the events of the day, read those verses again, Breathe deeply and remind yourself that you cannot be separated by anything from the love of God, Let your soul be held in the arms of God today and let his love for you. Wash over you today. Nothing can separate us from your love God, and we are forever thankful for that. No matter what we can trust you and your love. Thank you for making us co conquers with Christ and victorious. When life looks difficult and overwhelming, bring these verses to our mind. Holy spirit, remind us again of your everlasting and ever present laugh. Amen. Speaker 3 00:05:44 She says . He said if he became he said he gave, he gave . He said it once. He said he gave, he gave

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